Lots of VWAction pics here - http://public.fotki.com/vwproject/vw-shows-2009/vwaction2011/
Congrats to Paul Hamilton, who managed to run a 12.02 in his bay window at the UK Drag Day 2. Good luck on breaking into the 11's at VW Action.
I got straight on the phone to T3D and ordered a new screen rubber, which took quite a bit of time to fit. Whilst the carpets where out, the floor got a good sand and paint up too... No more leaks, I hope :)
First job, siezed calipers on both front brakes....
Opted for the the Easy fix, bin them and buy new ones....
A passing motorist was eager to point out that I had no brake lights on the way to Bug Jam. So £3.50 for a brake light switch sounds better than somebody smashing into me.
Looking sweet on the drive :)
After a lot of head scratching, we finaly decided to get another Type3 and move the notchback into a full restoration. This fasty used to belong to Paul Knight from Ultra VW and was featured around 10 years ago. It's lasted well, but does need a bit of TLC to get it back on form.
Just got back from a very warm day at the Potteries Custom and Classic Car Show 2009. Great turn out, but missed the bikes as they got off early....Don't blame them, the must have been roasted...
Cheers to Manzo at www.oddballimport.co.uk and everybody else involved for putting on a great show.
Pics can be found here - Custom & Classic 2009Street driven 12 second bug, looking cool as ever...
A great show and fantastic weather. Pics online here - DEVA2009
Rain Rain Rain........ Cheers to everybody who turned up, we had a great day even though most of the racing was rained off.
Keep an eye on the gallery, for more photo’s.
Hardcore Scottish racing :o)
Courtesy of Larry at RestoCustom and Restowagenuk.com
Made me burst a rib....nice one.
Sorry Paul, but I couldn’t resist :o)
This is what happens when piston rings bite back, to add insult to injury he couldn’t even bandage it up straight away as the sealant was going off.
I hope you put the bandage on Jolly Jims bill.
Trust me, you don't want to see flesh picture..... I'm sure all of us vw nuts must be masochists.
Nice looking longblock though....
Hope to see his car doing this again soon -